Detailed Description of Plant Beds


Using companion planting charts, I laid out the plants based on shade versus sun preference and matched them with plants that naturally deter pests. For example, mint deter cabbage moths. Tomatoes and basil enhance the flavor of each other. This is how the Indians planted their gardens and they were the experts!

Planting Bed 1

I planted 2 varieties of cabbages- red acres and primax. I put them on the outside so they are not next to the German tomato. Cabbages and tomatoes are not friends. The 2 variety of beets, Golden and Bulls Blood are in between the cabbages and tomato. I will sprinkle some basil around the obelisk in the new few weeks so the basil will enhance the flavor of the tomato.

The compost has a pH of 7 and vegetables typically like around 6.5 pH so I added mini pine bark mulch to retain the moisture and heat as well as add some acidity to the soil.

Planting Bed 2

I planted 3 varieties of asian lettuces, 2 basil plants, a tomato, and 2 parsley plants. I choose to put the basil on the right of the obelisk for the most sun and the parsley on the left so the obelisk will shade the plants some of the day. Parsley does not love full sun. Again, I mulched for the reasons above.

Planting Bed 3

There is existing spinach and onions that will be harvested in the next few weeks. Swiss Chard will go in it’s place.  I planted basil seeds on the other side of the obelisk and a Roma tomato in the center on the bed to grow up the obelisk.

Planting Bed 4

There is existing spinach and onions that will be harvested in the next few weeks. Since I had room in front of the spinach, I planted 5 Swiss Chard seeds. On the other side, I planted 3 chive plants and a Roma Tomato in the middle of the bed.

Planting bed on the left side of the lattice gate

The bed is narrow so cucumbers and  zucchini will climb the fence. I planted 2 raspberry seedings as well as 1 Poblano pepper.

Planting bed on the right side of the lattice gate

This bed is about 28″ in the depth. Raspberries were already growing so they stayed and I threw in some Kentucky Pole Beans for the nitrogen. The beans will climb the lattice. In front of the raspberries, I planted 3 french lavender. I am not going to mulch around the lavender since it is so finicky.

Right picket fence

The fence divides the enclosed garden and the hill we plant melons and corn. I choose squash and beans for this bed since squash, beans, and corn are companion plants. Melons grow well in between the corn. In front of the squash, I have 2 cilantro plants, one olive tree in a pot, and more vegetables will be planted around May 1st. Still deciding on what is best there.

Front fence right side of gate

I moved my lettuce plants to this bed and left the carrots. I also transplanted the spinach but they are not doing well. Some long day onions seeds are sprinkled between the lettuce plants. The shade from the fence should help them survive this summer.

Front fence left side of the gate

I sprinkled some Romaine Freckled lettuce and some long day onions along the bed. I mulched on the sides and will mulch the rest after the seeds sprout.

Left side

Future organic blueberries and flowers for cutting. Sunflower seeds were sprinkled across the back to block the fence. Melon seeds were mounded across the front of the bed. I do not think it will get enough sun long term so I will move them to the hill I usually plant my melons and corn.

Detailed Planting Diagram of Entire Garden


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